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The Art of Music

music engraving & typesetting

We have 33 years' experience of enabling musicians to make music through excellent-quality music engraving.

covers and opening of Thou Lord and God of Power

recent publications

  • 'Thou Lord and God of Power'
    A setting for four-part choir (SATB) and organ by Lisa McMaster of a text from Carmina Gadelica
    – coming very soon!
  • 'The Call' by Robin Downie
    George Herbert's 'Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life'

recent music engraving & typesetting projects

  • The Guitar in Georgian England (Christopher Page)
    for Yale University Press (2020)

  • EECM 59 & 60 – Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary According to the Use of Salisbury
    a 1520s Choirbook and Priest's Chants for the first chant volumes in Stainer & Bell's highly renowned Early English Church Music series
  • Corbridge Chamber Music Festival 2019
    designing programme & publicity leaflets
  • Office Revision for Worth Abbey
    typesetting new books for the Daily Office at a Benedictine abbey in South East England
    (as seen on BBC television: "The Monastery")

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we are currently redesigning our website

Consequently, there are many pages using the old design, which will gradually be updated
However, you can still order your music from the old-style pages